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Cost to BUY troops


New Member
Does anyone know what causes the costs of troop production to increase? I have 3 worlds ....the cost per type in 2 of them...ie Mortars cost is roughly 1600+ for each. In my 3rd world the cost is 4000+.. I think it might correlate with increasing armory levels therefore increasing the amount of units to be trained.....If that is the case and you keep increasing armories levels do your troops end up costing you 10's of thousands of supplies? In which case I probably do not want to keep increasing armory size now. Is there anything that decreases the cost....like more culture, higher level barracks, a particular AW? I'm burning through a lot of supplies just making troops. I hope this question makes sense.....I have looked for answers and don't really see anything on this topic.....all I ever seeis strategies for battles and what troops to use etc. Thanks for any input.


Well-Known Member
Yes, it should be your training size that increases that. The more you train at once, the more it costs. @Ashrem , @MinMax Gamer , @Mykan , or one of the other troop experts can give you a breakdown on those.

On another front, I think you may be experiencing a supply shortage due to several factors in your city.
1. Your workshops are not upgraded far enough. For most of the game, upgrading is better than having more smaller buildings. I would try to get all the workshops as high as you can.
2. You have non-boosted factories. Looks like you have manufactories that are your boost +1, I assume in prep for Sentient goods. I am not sure if you are running productions in those, but they are, in my opinion, a waste of resources. Efficiency maximization is gained by only producing your boosted goods and trading for the others. You will not need them for sentient production for a while, so they can sit idle, or you can even sell them and build what you need as you get to those chapters. You will not need the steel until chapter XI, scrolls XII, and dust XIII.
3. Your layout is inefficient. This comes down to play style and aesthetics. If you prioritize how the city looks, that is fine, but if you want to get the most efficiency from your layout, then there are a lot of things you could do with a rearrangement. One tip is to build expansions in a generally square shape. The other is to minimize roads by putting the short sides of buildings along roads. There are some other threads here that help with city layout, and the website ElvenArchitect (and ElvenStats) are wonderfully helpful for that.


Oh Wise One
the cost per troop should be the same, if on browser slide the quantity to 1 on each world and compare. The cost per slot is definitely impacted by the training size (armouries and AW's). In terms of making troops cheaper the closest to that is a simia sapiens or brown bear, both give you more troops for the same cost though, not cheaper per current stack.

Your production capacity grows as your town grows. I would look at your supply production, do you have enough workshops, do you uses PoP spells, supply instants, normal or magic workshops? It is possible you just have too many armories but that really is more subjective based on your goals.


Well-Known Member
Yes your supply needs will increase as you progress in the game and the costs continually do too. Good advice above ^.
It's a good idea to keep upgrading as you go even if it's one workshop or factory at a time. If you have any storage spells form the spire you can use those to put the non boosted factories in storage until you need them ( if they're at a high enough level to make it worthwhile) Or sell and rebuild when needed. You will gain the population back and the room to rearrange your city. You can always trade for those items.

Edited for goof ups


New Member
I do upgrade everything as I go along and have the resources/population/culture to do so....I was just wondering why the costs of troops is so much more in one city than it is in my other cities....I figured it was due to upgrading the armories//which are not numerous...I have 2 in the city in question...1 is level 15 and the other is level 17..with a barracks of level 12..also a Dwarven Bulwark....my other cities are...3 armories...1 level 15, 1 level 17 and 1 level 8..barracks level 12 , and the 3rd city I have 4 armories,,,2 at level 15 and 2 at level 8 with Barracks level 15......just trying to figure why the cost of troops in the last 2 cities is about 1/2 the price as the first city.....now that I am writing this all out it seems I have less armories in the city in question....perhaps I need more? Trying to figure how this all correlates...there has to be a reason why the troops cost so much more in city.....workshops are about the same level in all of them.... The last 2 cities the troop cost is comparable and half the cost as the first city..........I hope this makes sense


Well-Known Member
I think Mykan provided the answer you were looking for. Troops don't cost any differently, but if you look in your barracks, you are probably training more troops per slot in the city where it seems to cost more. This is a direct result of armory levels, which controls how many troops you produce in a single "lump" (slot).

If you look at this image and divide the amount of tools (in red) by the number of troops (in green), you will get a value that should be the same across all of your cities for that troop type.

Troop Calc.jpg


New Member
Ok got it...sort of......but the other cities actually have more armories at the same level...plus an extra armory in 1 city and an 2 additional in the other......so yes it makes sense if the armories are higher levels and training more...the cost would be more....but my other cities have armories of the same level plus some additional.......perhaps the Dwarven Bulwark did it.


Oh Wise One
If you look at this image and divide the amount of tools (in red) by the number of troops (in green), you will get a value that should be the same across all of your cities for that troop type.

Or if your less keen on maths move the slider button (green above) back to the left so it goes to 1 troop.

Training size is impacted by:
  • Armouries
  • Dwarven bulwark (based on squad size)
  • Shrine of shrewdy shrroms (based on armour levels)
the reason for a big training size is usually so your barracks keeps training while you are away, so it keeps working 24/7


New Member
Thanks again everyone...Sputnik9009....that's Peter Gabriel from when he was with the band Genesis......back in the 70's....was a whole different band than what most people know ....loved them and blessed to have seen that era a few times......


New Member
Mykan I see what you mean about the slider bar....I never even really paid much attention to it before so it makes sense now....Thanks