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    Your Elvenar Team

Creeps who make us miserable


The person you are describing sounds so much like the creep who was with us for a couple of weeks that I was sure it was the same person. I guess there is more than one of them on Sinya Arda! :rolleyes:

I let him stay that long because I thought it was a problem with his understanding of English (not his mother tongue). But actually there was no problem with English at all. A tip-off should have been that he could never seem to stay in a fellowship for more than a week or two. In some fellowships he was fired the very same day. He caused some real drama on the way out, but that actually helped unite the fellowship in common revulsion. ;)

I really think the guy in question has mental issues. He did try hassling some of our people after departure. I advised them to press the report button on the message board (the exclamation mark in red) - problem solved.


Yep, it sure sounds like the one we had for one week. People like him need some kind of censoring button before they get ejected because
They chat so much and mage!s can't keep track of how he pushes other members in the chat and trades, etc. What a week!


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