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    Your Elvenar Team

Crimson Dragons Crew looking for members

We have lost some players recently, and are looking to grow again. We have room for up to 9 new people, so you can come alone, or bring some friends with you. Contact us in game, either me, Linnea Shadowwalker, or my archmage, Power Lord James.

We are a relaxed group that achieves great things. There are no minimums for anything, but we do want active players. We get 10+ chests each week, even with our diminished numbers. So that is a blueprint every week for every member. There are no requirements to play in the tournament, but it would be silly not to, since even 30 points would get you a blueprint.

We get silver in spire every week. Again, there is no requirement to play the spire. But if you beat the second floor, that is guaranteed diamonds every week. Our streak is at risk with our recent player losses, but we have been using our perk points and haven't broken our streak yet. Do you like the spire and want the rewards? Come join us!

Fellowship Adventures are also optional. Some of us really like them and tear apart our cities to build shantytowns. Others don't care for it, and play normally. Regardless, we always get all 3 reward chests, so everyone gets extra artifacts to complete their event buildings. We usually rank in the top 50. This last time was ranked #52.

We use email chains for KP swaps. We have 10 free KPs a day to give to other team members, and have a rotating system to distribute them.

Does this sound good to you? Contact us now in game!

Archmage: Power Lord James
Mage: Linnea Shadowwalker


New Member
We have a small group of 10 active players looking to join another fellowship. We do 6 to 7 chests each week but have failed at recruiting. We want the 10th chest and more. Please, if interested, contact our Archmage Munvhkien2001. Our FS is called Ancient Wonders, but we are open to changes and/or suggestions.
We have a small group of 10 active players looking to join another fellowship. We do 6 to 7 chests each week but have failed at recruiting. We want the 10th chest and more. Please, if interested, contact our Archmage Munvhkien2001. Our FS is called Ancient Wonders, but we are open to changes and/or suggestions.
I replied to you in game, but we only have room for 6 people at this time. We'd love to have you, but you would probably need to break your group up into 2 groups, so I understand if that doesn't appeal to you. Best of luck!