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I dont know if im just stupid , but i cant find anything about it:

Why does the culture needed for the current level (125%,150%....) keeps raising without any reason? lol
Im asking this because it just raised by 100 points , which is quite alot for me :O
Looking forward to a probl. simple answer.


Every building you build and every upgrade you make requires culture. The culture needed for the current level is related to your available culture. When you move from 125% bonus to the 150% bonus, the required culture for the current level will increase because you are on a new level. In order to maintain your cultural bonus, you're available culture cannot dip below that number.

Here's an example:

If this character dips below 1800 available culture, he will revert back to 100% standard bonus. However, to attain the next level he has to get 3600 available culture. [Calculated as: available culture + neighborly help bonus + needed for next level] Hope this clarified your question.


No thats not what i ment , sorry.
My question is why the required culture for 150% keeps raising.


Ahh, the culture bonus threshold will rise in proportion to your required culture. To the best of my knowledge, this increases by tiers - so the jump from one tier to the next may appear to be abrupt from time-to-time. I believe this is meant to keep the "required for current level" number as a round number, rather than have it constantly change with every upgrade.


So it raises with my research? Do i understand that right? thank you for your answer already.


It increases as you upgrade buildings, not when you research them


It's a little hard to build cultural buildings, when you need culture points to build... :)


You can find out how high the 100% requirement will rise when you build or upgrade a building. It shows the 'culture cost' at the end of the row, after all the coins, supplies and goods. I assume the cost of higher percentages is an exponential multiple of that original cost.