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    Your Elvenar Team

D&S Avatars Question


I asked this on another thread but no one noticed. Which AW actually gives which pic.?
The wiki says Maze gives Dragon, Abbey gives Sorcerer,
I read somewhere that was backwards,
GoK has Dragon on both and the Abbey has the quote 'I wanted the Dragon pic."
So which way is it actually before I build one to find out?


That's what it says... but like I say I heard it was backwards... just could never get confirmation.
upload_2017-11-16_22-27-35.png upload_2017-11-16_22-28-4.png


I was looking for a way to report it in the Wiki and best I can tell you have to send a 'General' e-mail to Inno?
@Xelenia Do you know if that is the correct way to report a Wiki mistake or is there a better way?
Otherwise question answered. :)

Sir Squirrel

Artist EXTRAORDINAIRE and Buddy Fan Club member
As you seen, I posted it in a bug report. I think that is the best way to deal with it and get it looked at and fixed.


Ex-Team Member
I was looking for a way to report it in the Wiki and best I can tell you have to send a 'General' e-mail to Inno?
@Xelenia Do you know if that is the correct way to report a Wiki mistake or is there a better way?
Otherwise question answered. :)

Hey @Lord Draconian! As of right now, the best way to report Wiki mistakes, if there is any, will be to identify it here in the bug section as suggested by @Sir Squirrel. If I do find a better solution, I will update you as soon as possible. Generally, the bug report is monitored on a regular basis and will be the fastest way as of right now :)

As you seen, I posted it in a bug report. I think that is the best way to deal with it and get it looked at and fixed.