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    Your Elvenar Team

day farm


Chef - loquacious Old Dog
You have to think of the guest race area as a little "city in a city" with, most of the time, it's own "road" system. Arranging things according to the rules of the "guest city" is part of the fun, but having as much room as you can, really, really helps.



Well-Known Member
what street joins the day farm?
If you play in the browser version of Elvenar, hovering over the building's tile in the Buldings window tells you this. This also works in the Summonings tab of the Spells Inventory window such that you can tell whether or not the building you want to place needs a road connection. Or something.


Most guest race buildings will want a connection to something else from that guest race, which is all located in the Settlements tab of the buildings window. In this case, it'll be in the page prior to the one the Day Farm is found in.
