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    Your Elvenar Team



New Member
I need help in chapter 8,, I can not figure out to get Debris to do my upgrades, Can anyone help me please


Scroll-Keeper, Keys to the Gems
Orc is a wonderful chapter that requires an interesting balance of goods; so many mush farms making this, so many making that, and the rally points contribute, to make other stuff, and transform shrooms into other items. Enjoy :)


New Member
I found the wiki to be completely useless. How about a step by step since you can't make it until rally point level 3 but need it to upgrade to rally point level 2?


Well-Known Member
I found the wiki to be completely useless. How about a step by step since you can't make it until rally point level 3 but need it to upgrade to rally point level 2?
What are you talking about? Debris? That's utter hogwash. All you need are psychoshrooms and orcs. Which are listed as the needed ingredients if you were to look and hover over the icons. The tooltip even tells you where you can get them, too!



Now that that's out of the way, you wanted a walkthrough, right?

Speaking of upgrading, it's not necessary to upgrade the rally point at all. I mean, it's recommended, but what you absolutely MUST upgrade to lv 4 is the Orc Portal Site. Once you get the lv 4 Orc Portal Site, you can either play the chapter as it was meant to be played, or finish off the chapter's research tree purely on the power of the Portal Profit spell. Or some combination thereof


Chef, Scroll-Keeper, Buddy's #1 Fan
I found the wiki to be completely useless. How about a step by step since you can't make it until rally point level 3 but need it to upgrade to rally point level 2?
This chapter is very recursive (and ugly). Your shroom farm has to make some of everything for the raw materials needed in Rally Point and upgrades. Then the Rally point manufactures that raw material into goods for research (Loot) or raw material back (Orc Dung/Armament) for your shrooms to make Shrooms of Wisdom for research or Debris for upgrades. You need psychoshrooms and Orcs (from Breeding grounds or Orc Nests in Magic Academy) to make debris in the Orc Rally.

You can make Debris with a level 1 Rally Point via Obstacle Course but you just need enough Psychoshrooms and Orcs:
