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    Your Elvenar Team



In my group there re 4 others plus myself and a couple are working and some are not developing. It all depends on time to some and yes I know to have a cohesive growth it takes all to work together.

I've been a member of Elvenar only 2 1/2 months now but there is some tedium to the game now for self. Sure I get about 6000 coin now visiting neighbours, however until I get through level 3 and level 4 I am unable to expand my building of goods until I research where I am at. I've come to a rather abrupt conclusion that the best for now is to just accumulate goods per day and then sell off surpluses to get the goods I am missing such as gems or lack of marble or steel. There is with say planks, or workshop goods higher increase over the rest of my goods and if I want to grow my residents it is costing me diamonds which I can ill afford because no one is really interested in trading say scrolls for gems or crystal unless its one-side trade to their benefits (in other words say 50% benefit or better for them). Being retired does allow me more time, but am now realizing that the time I spend on the game is taking me away from other activities I should be doing.

I can say one thing for sure is that the creators of the game want us the players to buy more diamonds as this is their bread and butter to allow them to take home a paycheck, HOWEVER they need to find a balance of their riches and what a lot of us can afford.

Inno games has 6 web based games spread across the world and over 1.5 million registered players so they are making money, now they have provide to their players or people are going to leave in droves and stop playing.

They seem to have a habit of not listening to their players and that's wrong. I played Forge of fires a couple years ago and got bored no support and some rather dogmatic leaders of the game, I did like it, but I gave up and walked away from the game.

There is no real benefit to this game and am at a point of wanting to walk away from this one after 75 days


Is your fellowship only 5 players?

The game has gotten totally dependent on being in a big, active fellowship. Unfortunately there is almost no way around it. You get stuck if you try to make too many goods that aren't relic-boosted, but neighborhood trading isn't working because of all the abandoned cities. As you've noticed, the game adds a 50% fee to trade with undiscovered cities which makes it even harder to play alone or in a small group.

My city was stalled because I couldn't trade for dust or crystal and dust was way too expensive to make. I finally left the fellowship I was in and joined a very active, trade-focused group. The people are super-nice and my city is thriving now because I don't have to make any of the unboosted goods. I have only bought a few diamonds for fun, not because I needed them.

Have you considered trying to find a player who makes gems or crystal and needs your scrolls to join your group?