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    Your Elvenar Team

Did not get reward building

  • Thread starter DeletedUser5809
  • Start date


Game version: v1.19.2-(c15de68) (2016-12-06 10:26)
Game world: Felyndral
Browser + version: Google chrome
Flash Player version: __
Operating System: Windows 7
Screen resolution: __
Account name: marybell11
Humans or Elves: Elves

Reproducibility: 2/5

Quest title: __

Current situation:
I have bought for 140 Snowflakes a Snowball fight, but I haven't get it. On the first day I also buy a Lazy snowman for 50 snowflakes but I havent get it it. I also bought 2 other things and I find them in the Inventory, but I didn't find the snowman and the snowball fight. The game detracted my snowflakes, because I had 141, and then I had 1, but I didn't get the snowball fight. On the first day my snowflakes have also detracted.

Expected situation:
A Lazy snowman and a Snowball fight in my Inventory. (Or somewhere else.)

Reproduction Steps


marybell11....did u look in with your spells? Generally when a building is WON it shows up to be built in your inventory bag.


Please be aware that you will only get two rewards, one mandatory and one random. Your mandatory reward is the Winter Globes, and your random reward is ONE of the ones listed upon hover over the present. You will notice percentages out to the side of them, which state the percentage chance you have at winning that particular item.

If you have any further questions regarding this, we would encourage you to contact support. This will allow us to look at your account specifically.

Have a great day!