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    Your Elvenar Team

Didn't get credit in Summer Solstice for solving an encounter


I solved an encounter 3 tiers down and slightly left of my Elcysandir city in a steel relic encounter. When I started the solve 20 encounter Summer Solstice quest and after I won the encounter the quest showed that I still need 20 encounters.


Just solved another encounter in same area and still recieved no credit for the Summer Solstice quest, the count is still at 20 when it should be at 18 now.


As I recall, the quest is for 20 encounters or 200 sectors. So if you had 198 provinces and 4 sectors, you'd only need 12 encounters.

At any rate, the quest bar will switch to encounters as soon as new encounters / 20 is greater than provinces / 200. So keep after it.


Well that was weird... I negotiated the next round and it gave me credit for all three. So now it's showing 17 left.


As I recall, the quest is for 20 encounters or 200 sectors. So if you had 198 provinces and 4 sectors, you'd only need 12 encounters.

At any rate, the quest bar will switch to encounters as soon as new encounters / 20 is greater than provinces / 200. So keep after it.

This is indeed correct, and not a bug. :)