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    Your Elvenar Team

Dirth of DAs and MA troop boosters


For literally 9 weeks I have climbed the spire and received no DA.

For (ever since Inno changed the algorithm) troop boosters for fighting are scarce as hen's teeth.

This does not endear me to continue game play.

I would like other users to like this post and petition for algorithm changes. Customer support insists this is all random. As there is no such thing as a real random number generator, this is a false claim. Fair and proper distribution of fighting aids should be part and parcel. At the very least (gag) make DAs always available for $.


Well-Known Member
I've got 4 DAs from 5 chapters ago, 2 from 3 chapters ago, 4 from 2 chapters ago, 1 from 1 chapter ago, and 9 from my current chapter. I don't fight often in either the Spire or the Tourney, so I have no need for these I don't craft the other martial aid buildings for the same reason, they don't benefit me.
Yet where are the Catering aid buildings? Why do you violent people get rewarded with boosts, and us merchants get bupkus? Is that fair? Is it equitable? Should I stop playing? Is there cheese for snacking? Can I speak to the manager?

Try catering the Spire all the way and then come back and tell me why you deserve boosts and I don't.

Silly Bubbles

You cant pop them all
It's on and off that's why it's good to keep some in reserve for drought periods. I keep around four DAs. It is possible to get a number of them at once, my best is 5 DAs in two consecutive Spires. I also check all four MA rotations for other military buildings and keep the very left slot open
for each rotation. That helps a lot too.

Isn't there more AWs that help caterers rather than fighters?
And yes, I do fight to protect my world against violence so we can have peace.


Well-Known Member
Isn't there more AWs that help caterers rather than fighters?
And yes, I do fight to protect my world against violence so we can have peace.
Not specifically the way a lot of military AWs do; some of them directly produce troops, others improve the health of troops, and some reduce the production times for making troops.
There are no AWs that I know of (through Chap15) that directly produce goods for trade in the Spire or Tourney (this includes mana/orcs/seeds); there are some that reduce the decay rates of mana/seeds/Sentient goods (which benefits both types of players), 1 that increases the amount of goods purchasable from the Wholesaler, and 1 that increases the efficacy of MM spells which increase production of T/S/A factories.

Here's the issue: all players need T/S/A goods and mana/orcs/seeds for normal gameplay; these are required for events, for tech tree progression, and for building upgrades. But, and this is the important bit, troops are only ever needed to fight encounters. Period. So why would I spend resources on training tons of troops if I rarely, if ever, fight encounters? Those resources are better spent negotiating them instead.

And, with the (limited) exception of the recent Astral Phoenix, there are NO special craftable buildings that either a) reduce the cost of catering, or b) increase the value of those goods. Without the phoenix, my 1000 Crystal per offer remains the same, week after week, until some other change in my city increases that cost (like advancing chapters). Yet I can, with one DA deployed this week and not last week, spend less troops this week than last and reach the same level in the Spire or Tourney.

Now, the bright side to this quandary is that I use far less Pet Food than fighters, since I don't have to use multiple pets (like the Fire Chicken, Brown Bear and Twilight Bird). Small consolation, though, in the face of the complaints about NOT ENOUGH FOOD or MOR MMMS PLZ!