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    Your Elvenar Team

Disappointed with tech support.

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Chef, Scroll-Keeper, and Buddy Fan Club Member
I've accidentally spent diamonds when I didn't mean to (before I learned to set the confirmation button) and it really ticked me off, so I know how frustrated you are. In all fairness to Inno, though, I bet they hear the same story 100x a day so I can see both sides. They should have at least sympathized with you instead of an abrupt dismissal of your issue. And yes, I hate when people give me a canned response because they don't understand me. Glad that at least a senior member took a look at it. It bites, but that's a normal response. They'd have to do it for everyone, and that would probably result in tons of lost revenue. Like I said, I see both sides, but I feel bad for you. In a few weeks it won't hurt so much ... when I was a newbie losing lots of diamonds made me really sad, but I never think about it now and I still love the game.
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