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    Your Elvenar Team

Do barracks or squad upgrade increase enemy count


Buddy Fan Club member
Increased squad size causes an increase in enemy squad sizes in tournaments, but I don't think it impacts map encounters at all. I think map enemy size is a function of the distance from your city(the further away, the higher they are) and the advanced scout techs (reduces difficulty of all unscouted provinces). Barracks upgrades only does 2 things: early game it adds more training slots up to the max of 5 and it makes them train faster. You didn't ask about armories, but upgrades to armories increases the number of units you can train in one training slot.


Oh Wise One
For the world map they have no effect at all on enemy squad sizes. This is part of why combat gets easier and easier on the world map as the game progresses.

Tournament difficulty is fixed so the ratio of enemy squads to your troops is fixed. This means if your squad size changes the enemy one does to, but it stays in proportion to the difficulty for the round you are in. Your tournament squad size is 5% of your total squad size for province 1, 10% for province 2 and keeping adding 5% for each province. So province 20 your tournament squad size is the same as your world map squad size.