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    Your Elvenar Team

Do You Like Tournaments and Fellowship Adventures


New Member
Then Finnegan's Follies is the place for you. We open 7 or 8 chests every week in the tournaments and placed 18th in the last Fellowship adventure. Chat is active and we have an AW program. Just leave a reply here or come and apply we will be watching for you.


hello.. I'm looking for a new fellowship.. I am active in tournaments and also play everyday. I try to visit everyone everyday. I am in the orc's stage right now but finishing that up and headed to the next level.. I am stagnant right now due to trades not going anywhere. I have had my trades up for day 4 and no bites on them. I have deleted and offered other goods, have asked on chat for help with my trade but nada.. I enjoy the challenge of the tournaments and I am currently #1 leading the group and have given up the majority of my goods to do so-- but now in return I can't get trades to do what I need to do in my land and also to continue to do the tournament.. which is frustrating.. I am boosted in gems, marble and silk.. I always try to give extra on my trades.. I want to stay in the current fellowship until the tournament is done as I want to get my rewards.. I don't do a lot of chatting in the chat screen because I am so focused on my game.. but I do check just in case someone is trying to communicate with me I don't want to ignore the or have them feel as if I am.. Also I am active in assisting with other peoples trades even if I don't currently need something I will pick up trades just to stock pile it for tournaments.. thanks for taking the time to check me out