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    Your Elvenar Team

Does All Research have to be done?


I want to research Advanced Main Hall. I Have researched Squad size Upgrade3, but I'm not being allowed to resear Advanced Main Hall?? Do I have to research Sot of Whispering Trees (and Advanced Steel & Advanced Planks) first?


there should be green lines showing up in your research tree from both the spot of whispering tree and squad size upgrade 3 when you hover over advanced main hall.. those green lines are showing you the path to get to advanced main hall.. you may have noticed that city expansion 3 isn't included in that green path.. that means it's optional.


so, i have to do research on spot of whispering trees, and research on Advanced Steel And Planks??


yes. Unless a tech completelt dead ends you will get stopped at some point from advancing until the research in question gets finished


Dang. I thought if there was a Green line to another thing to be researched, then that research could be done. I have no need to research steel or planks, and didn't want to have to research spot of trees, but if i have to, i have to. :(


Unless a tech completely dead ends
And even then you may get a mandatory quest, as is current the case in the Fairies tech tree.

Natural Culture.png


Oh Joy. To be honest, why make people dissatisfied with the Game by including research you do not intend to pursue??

I've no intention of upping steel, or plank manufacturing. And I just don't need Spot of Whispering Trees. I'm sure it looks Great, but I don't want to use the space. Maybe sometime later yes, but not now. Waste of resources I can use elsewhere.

And, Hell, why have the need to fight for Steel Relics when I'm along way from that??!!


Platinum Leaf -FB
Oh Joy. To be honest, why make people dissatisfied with the Game by including research you do not intend to pursue??

I've no intention of upping steel, or plank manufacturing. And I just don't need Spot of Whispering Trees. I'm sure it looks Great, but I don't want to use the space. Maybe sometime later yes, but not now. Waste of resources I can use elsewhere.

And, Hell, why have the need to fight for Steel Relics when I'm along way from that??!!

Some players play 16 hours a day - and many use their Credit Cards liberally to buy stuff that helps them to progress.
If they could pick and choose which tech they felt like doing, they would finish the Chapter in 2 weeks - and then complain that the game is boring and there is nothing for them to do.
The Devs deliberately include stuff to slow us down. It is for our own good!


Jackuyt, Oh My! I did not know that. That's really sad to be honest. I just hope they can't sell accounts like in Evony! bots & coins now rule there.

I don't mind supporting the Game occasionally, but I'd rather use my wits. :)

Thank you for you reply.