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Don't require us to produce factories for which we have no boost


I am playing on Winyandor and came across the two most annoying quests that were non declinable. The first one was to build a magic dust factory AND an elixir factory. It is foolish for me to build a dust factory when elixir is my boost. The quests are supposed to guide us, not guide us off a cliff.

Ok fine...I build the stupid factory then tear it down. It is a waste of space for me. A few quests later I get Upgrade a Magic Dust factory.

Come on now. These quests need to be deleted. I am not allowed to quote moderators from other forums, but I can tell you that it is well known that unless you are building just for the looks of your city, it is foolhardy to build non boosted factories. You can always trade goods with other players and even if you can't find anyone at all to trade with, the wholesaler will accept your boosted goods in trade. Once you get farther in the game, you will find you simply can't make enough non boosted goods to get anywhere and you will tear down those factories anyway.


I just finished researching advanced elixirs in Act VI and got this quest. It says "have 1 dust factory" "have 1 elixir factory" but my boost is gems. It is not declinable but I don't have the space, elves, or inclination to build these factories.

A I seriously going to get a non-declinable upgrade Magic Dust too?!?


At what stage will we see these non-declinable quests? In the Dwarven age? Has Inno removed them yet?

Deleted User - 312108

I think they all became declineable. I've encountered these several times and been able to say no thank you.


I have no idea what they hope to accomplish with these. The quests are there as a guide and learning tool? So is the lesson to learn how costly and inefficient these buildings are if not boosted? Anyone who cares about efficiency is keenly aware and the people who aren't probably have 2 of every building already.

Deleted User - 312108

Speaking of which..... just got this quest.... my boosted is steel.... :confused:



It's frustrating that one release from the developers reads the quest-line is meant to be a guide for players, yet they have quests to build an unboosted goods building. They're a waste of resources, population, and time one could spend actually advancing their city. Also, there's a large player base that has bought into building unboosted goods buildings because they unfortunately don't know any better. They either need to be convinced to change or they will eventually hit so many plateaus waiting on goods to upgrade/research they might quit the game.


That is a good analysis Starr. People do quit the game because they have hit plateaus they didn't need to because of this issue. At least once a week players have to be retaught that non boosted factories really slow things down for them. I think there is a thread going right now about this topic.


but am concerned you really mean it! Is this real?
Yes, The quest is called Dragon Magic V - The sacrifice. It requires the loss of 33 priests and 11 paladins in battle. It ties in nicely with the storyline of the preceding Dragon Magic quests. Its also pretty easy and quick to accomplish... if somewhat wastefull ;)


Hi I got the dust upgrade quest yesterday and not my boost so dont have one. Do we know if they are looking into changing this? Thanks.


6pac, I love the Yogi Bera quote you have at the bottom.

I did not like the have this building for un-boosted goods quests.
The lose so many units quests worked in the storyline, but I still have an issue just sacrificing units.