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Don't X out mana buildings


I've just entered the Woodelves chapter and have a request.

Since the culture/mana buildings have the option to be used off-road purely as culture buildings, and some of them are excellent as such and also quite lovely, would it be possible NOT to have the big red cross-out circles over them when they are not connected by road? For those of us who care about the aesthetics of our city, those ugly things effectively eliminate this strategy, which evidently is intended to be a viable one in gaming terms.

Many thanks,
Elven Ivory

EDIT: Just realized that you can't even build them off-road, just like non-culture buildings. This really doesn't seem right.
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I am not in the wood elves chapter I only get to see them when I visit so no big X for me. They are just beautiful.

They produce mana, so it wouldn't be all that difficult to move the ugly x inside the pop up. Sure it might cause a few people to mistakenly disconnect roads and not realize it, but that is better than destroying the aesthetics of such lovely buildings.