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    Your Elvenar Team

Dragon Friends/recruiting seeking members


We're a small fellowship at the moment. But we're supportive of each other and help with trades as much as we can. We have an Ancient Wonder round robin going and it has been a boost to our members in helping them upgrade their AWs much faster.
We aren't an aggressive bunch when it comes to the Tournaments or Fellowship Adventures, a lot of members work and play on their phones which makes it hard to do donations... a bug that I hope will be taken care of soon by support.
So if your fairly new & have a trader, or a more experienced player who wants to relax, and join a laid back group, then send me an inquire and I'll message you.
Check us out, and remember we play for fun, not points, or chests. Real life is stressful enough, this is suppose to be a relaxing game, and we try to keep it that way.
Thanks for checking out my message. Hope to hear from one of you soon.
Lady Linington
Archmage of Dragon Friends/recruiting.