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    Your Elvenar Team

Dragonsblood is recruiting!!


New Member
Dragonsblood (Khelonaar, US server) is Recruiting!!!

Dragonsblood fellowship is looking for serious players with a minimum personal score of 50,000 or higher and willing to participate in spire & tournament to the required set minimums.

Boosted production in planks, silk, dust would be a bonus but being an active team player is most important.

We are welcoming group who enjoy moderate competition and growing our cities. We get 10 chests to 11 chests in weekly tournaments, silver trophies in the Spire.

Members are friendly and helpful. There is almost always a member that is able to answer questions online.

Participation in all activities to a set minimum is required. Spire - High Halls or higher. Tournament - 1600 points or higher. Please read our overview.

If you are ready to participate in all events and can meet minimum requirements then we would love to have you join us!

Please send an in-game message to aweslin (archmage) to enquire or apply directly to Dragonsblood.


New Member
What is your tourney minimum? I'm seeing some players in your alliance with low tourney output. I recently posted in the Members Looking For section. Here's my post:

Looking for a 10-chest Alliance. Tired of the moochers in Clan of Unity.

There has been a long-standing issue with moochers in Clan of Unity, and I'm fkn tired of it. They talk a big game about booting people to our sister alliance if you underperform in tournament. That has not happened since I've been a member (about two years). If you are going to be underperforming for that fkn long, you need to move to a less demanding alliance. No excuses. We have a long term member with a fkn 434 tournament average. 434. Let that steaming pile of sh!t average sink in. In a #13 alliance, no less. Super fkn annoying to say the least. My last alliance also had issues with double standards. I sincerely hope it's not a theme in Khelonaar.

My tournament average is 4530 according to ElvenStats. I have boosts in steel, scrolls, and dust. I also make it to the top of the Spire weekly, whether or not others are participating. I just like Spire. I am not interested in Fellowship Adventures, but if it's a requirement I am willing to make some time for it if all my other requirements are met (10-chest weekly tournament with NO MOOCHERS). I will absolutely be checking ElvenStats for problem players in your alliance if you reach out to me. If I see a long-term leech, I will not join you. Period. I am also looking for a non-political alliance. I do not give a rat's ass about your political stances.

Thanks for checking out my message!

- Laftar