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Dust has changed


As a manual fighter, I have been noting the composition of the tourney opposition. I have found that the current Dust tourney (Feb 2023) contains considerably more battlefield obstructions than previous Dust tournies, where obstructions were very stark. Also, the opposing squads composition seems to have changed, because I am relying on Mages much more than I have in the past. Previously, I did not use them to the extent that I never needed to site an MMM; now I have.

If the above is true for everyone, auto-fighters might notice nothing more than the tourney seems a little easier (closer to the Gems tourney experience). Any agree? Disagree?


Well-Known Member
I auto-fight. Because of the assorted quests, I did more tourney stuff than usual. It did seem easier -- "Wait, this is the dust tourney??" crossed my mind a couple of times. I wasn't paying attention to what kinds of troops I was using compared to other weeks, so can't comment on that.