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    Your Elvenar Team

Elf Crystal Manufactury Multi-Graphic


Bug description: Low-level Elf Crystal Manufacturies have L10 manufactury overlaid on top.
Browser and version: Firefox 39.0
Account Name: Phoequndt
World: Arendyll
Human or Elves: Elf
Reproducibility: 5/5
  • 1/5 = happened once
  • 2/5 = happens randomly
  • 3/5 = happens sometimes
  • 4/5 = happens often, but not always
  • 5/5 = happens always
Quest title: N/A
Reproduction Steps:

  1. View rankings list
  2. Visit player from rankings list
  3. If player has Level 1 Elf Crystal Manufactury a Level 10 Elf Crystal Manufactury is also displayed in front of it.
Screenshots of the bug


This appears to be a Hardware Acceleration issue. After posting above, I turned it off and reloaded the game; when I visited one of the cities shown above the graphic for the L1 Crystal Manufactury was uncorrupted. After turning HA back on (and refreshing the game again) I visited the same city and the displayed incorrect graphic was back.


I tried to replicate this myself but wasn't able to. I tested on Edge, Chrome and Firefox with HA enabled but the Crystal Manufactory graphics were not currupted.

In any case, a lot of graphic bugs were reported since the implementation of HA, and your problem looks very similar to this:

Just in case try a cache & cookies clear, see if you're still getting the problem with HA enabled. :)


I just upgraded from Win7 to Win10. The problem is not reproducing after the several restarts it took to get my laptop up and running again.


That looks like a corrupt cache issue. I will archive this for now. If it recurs, please reopen it.