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    Your Elvenar Team

Elvenar Android App: Gem Boost Status Locked?


Game version: __ 1.42.0-124758d-0(us1.43)
Game world: __ Elcysandir
Browser + version: __ n/a
Flash Player version: __ n/a
Operating System: __ Android 7.1.1 (Samsung Experience 8.5)
Devise(Brand / Model): __ Samsung Galaxy Note 8
Screen resolution: __ WQHD 2960 x 1440
Account name: __ LunarNocturne
Humans or Elves: __ Elves

Reproducibility: _5_/5 (1/5 = happened once; 2/5 = happens randomly; 3/5 = happens sometimes; 4/5 = happens often, but not always; 5/5 = happens always)

Current situation:
__When viewing the Relic Tab of my Main Hall, Gems is listed as locked.
__Main Hall is under construction and Relic Tab is inaccessible to verify on PC.

Expected situation:
__ Relic Tab should list Gems as unlocked and also capped.

Reproduction Steps
__ Tap Main Hall.
2. __ Select Relic Tab option. (Unsure if this is related to viewing the main hall's relic tab while under construction.)
3. __
4. __
5. __


  • Screenshot_20171124-000427.jpg
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This is account specific so it's a bit hard to go in to details here but we could verify what you are seeing.

Can you please try logging out and then logging back in to the app to see if that helps? Also, if that has no effect, can you please let us know if the relics tab shows properly after the upgrade is complete?


Logging out and logging back in did not fix the issue. Will report once upgrade is complete as to how both the Android App and PC Browser display.


Now that my Main Hall upgrade is complete, I can verify that Gems continue to show as locked on the Android app. On my PC, the browser version of the game shows that I have a 700% Boost which is capped. Both versions of the game display Gem Manufactory numbers correctly based on the boost amount.

I'm unsure if the problem in the app has to do with Gems specifically, if it will do this with any Tier 3 boosted good, or if it is tied to the fact that I have a capped percentage reached.


It definitely sounds as if it is just displaying maximum bonus reached in a very unclear manner, and we will certainly check the other goods as well.

Even though it would not be a true bug, we will certainly request that the display be corrected to avoid confusion.


I can verify that this is indeed a display issue and it has been forwarded to have the screen views made more consistent between Browser and App.


For reference:

1. I have spent Gem relics on leveling up Ancient Wonders and now that Gems is no longer capped at 700%, it is not reading as "LOCKED."
2. I now have gathered more than 500 Silk relics and the Android app now has Silk listed as "LOCKED" instead of "MAX BONUS REACHED."

It appears to be consistent at Tier two as well as three, and is most likely the same for Tier one as well.


As this is not necessarily a bug, I will be closing it. This will be a UI improvement that will have to take place. Thanks!