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    Your Elvenar Team

Elvenar People


Greetings! Fellow members.

I have joined this game recently and I must say it is designed with perfection. However, there is a slight problem which I came across lately. In regards to expansion, I saw people earlier making a bit of a racket on the price of diamonds. May i ask is it really necessary to purchase them with real money in order to expand in this game or you can go by without it. Also, I would be delighted if someone can offer me a guild to start with! Help can really pull you out from tough notches! One thing, I damn well learned from playing mmos.

Thanks :)


May i ask is it really necessary to purchase them with real money in order to expand in this game or you can go by without it.

You gain expansions via the tech tree (city expansions), and by completing every encounter in the provinces you scout (province expansions). The premium expansions (the ones purchased with diamonds) are extras you don't have to buy if you don't want to spend the money.

Sir Squirrel

Artist EXTRAORDINAIRE and Buddy Fan Club member
For your guild (Fellowships they are called here) question, you need to post in the threads at the bottom of the forum under the world you play in, in the players looking for fellowships section!
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May i ask is it really necessary to purchase them with real money in order to expand in this game or you can go by without it.

It is not required to complete the tech tree, however, a small amount of diamonds have far greater value in the early chapters. Chapters 1-3, the same amount of diamonds will have a greater effect. Buying Magic Shops early will generally improve your entire gaming experience. While the same amount of diamonds in later chapters, hardly help at all. I suggest buying now, or not at all. And join the Dark Side...


I know people who have steadfastly refused to buy any diamonds at all. I also know people that appear to have spent hundreds of dollars on diamonds. Both have a lot of fun playing the game.


I've been playing a few months and brand new to the forum. Now that I've looked at the forum I can think of a few things to comment about either in possible bugs or ideas/suggestions. One thing I can think of now, I'd love to see the diamond deal with the free builder upgrade come back. Maybe that deal is only available when you are a brand new player, but when I was brand new to the game I wasn't sure I would want to keep playing and thus didn't want to spend money. Now that I know I love the game I'd like to see that deal come back.