I went and looked. The use of white text over the really light background makes it really hard to read. I also was first trying to click on the very top chapter icons that are avatars. I was able to navigate to the individual guides by using the icons that show the research banner associated with each chapter. Those icons are repeated at the very end of the page and they navigated to the individual guides as well. I also tried the links from the Guest Races SoK forum. It appears that the links in each individual guest race post go directly to that chapter's individual guide as well. The individual guides are formatted with a dark background that overlays the really light one so no trouble seeing the text there.
Like you don't have enough to do:
@Lelanya can you help?
Some other things I noted (not that there's anything you can do about these; I think the ad companies that are used to support the costs of continuing to keep the site available after the creator left the game/site control this.):
The page continued loading until I minimized that long ad across the bottom.
I figured that out when I couldn't get to the 'back to top' arrow when I was checking the bottom icons until I minimized that ad.