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    Your Elvenar Team

Event Pace Control Quest


Oh Wise One
To apply a pace control without forcing people into scouting when they don't want to scout, or crippling their supply or goods capabilities in the middle of a tournament or spire-run, break the pace control from the city's activities:

  1. "We require a shipment of [specialized component] Please sign the order to proceed [click]."
  2. "The shipment will be delivered in [2Xchapter/level] hours. [display countdown timer of two to 30 hours]"
Any desired multiple can be applied, from fractions to enough to delay people for an entire week. Because they don't have to pay attention to their collections during that period, they can go about the normal activities of their city.

Deleted User - 312108

I think it has merit. Anything is better than the current nonsense of 45 tourney encounters, scout/research, and gain 11 relics because if we're giving you 80 currency a quest they have to be 'difficult'. The quests aren't difficult, they just cost a lot of goods and are tedious.

My preference would be event currency awarded based on the quest cost/effort so we would have more free/low effort quests that give under 20 currency, a few medium tier that give 40 currency, and then the costly ones that range 60+. I think it would encourage people to be active in the game and engaged, while not necessarily awarding so much currency that people are able to go through the grand prizes 50+ times. They can also limit how many times the evolving building is awarded.