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Event tips for newbies


Chef, Scroll-Keeper, Buddy's #1 Fan
My other city, which I have nicknamed the Spoiled Child of Spire, has the benefit of not repeating past mistakes as it’s my second city. I ran that Spire high and often while it was still super cheap in Chapter 3 when I unlocked it. The good and bad of it is I’ve won 9 magic buildings and 7 library sets by Chapter 5. It’s crawling even slower through Dwarf now with only one copper mine and 2 granites bc of all the blueprints and RRs needed. The plus side is the Spoiled Child of Spire almost has a Level 20 Needles already and can out-tourney teammates with much larger cities :D


Well-Known Member
One thing that I discovered is that moving into the next chapter means that the goods required in the gain goods quest doubled! It's still doable, but I used to be able to do it in 2 3-hour collections and now it will take 4. I guess it's time to upgrade my factories!

Edit: I checked again, I think it tripled! This is going to take a while ...
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Well-Known Member
One thing that I discovered is that moving into the next chapter means that the goods required in the gain goods quest doubled! It's still doable, but I used to be able to do it in 2 3-hour collections and now it will take 4. I guess it's time to upgrade my factories!

Edit: I checked again, I think it tripled! This is going to take a while ...
Yup. It's a trade-off. You get the buildings for the next chest, but quantities are based off of the assumption that you have fully upgraded your manufactories to your current chapter (which you cannot have done if you haven't gotten to that part of the research tree, sigh). You will see the same thing in the FA.