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    Your Elvenar Team

Evolving buildings


New Member
I find it frustrating that new evolving buildings are constantly being introduced. It seems impossible to get the evolve artifact you need, so I just dump them. Why can't you make artifacts that can be used for any evolving building. It might make it worthwhile to keep them and use them.


Oh Wise One
They like to have unique things tied to certain aspects of the game. What we don't know yet is if the artifacts will become available again in the future. The easter event this year will be interesting to see what happens, it was the first event with evolving buildings. I am curious if we will see those artifacts reappear at that time in some fashion


I started playing in the middle of the Autumn event last year, and am really hoping to be able to evolve my bears in the future.

The phoenixes are available, periodically, in the MA, so hopefully we'll be able to evolve them too. Hopefully. . .


We definitely need a generic evolving ruin. I have all the buildings but will not place them because I do not have enough evolve ruins to make them worth while for the space they take up. I suspect if they do nothing, I will have to dissenchant my buildings and ruins and not collect more buildings.

Sir Squirrel

Artist EXTRAORDINAIRE and Buddy Fan Club member
They really need to make a way for us to get the evolving artifacts. It is frustrating for players to be able to craft the evolving buildings, but to not have a way to upgrade them.