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Fairy quest lines


Well-Known Member
I am in the middle of Fairies level. I just completed the mainline quest to Research Main Hall and upgraded it to level 18 (first upgrade for this level). We normally have two quest lines. One is rotating and one is the required quest line. My rotating quest line (collect so many this, produce so many that ...) has now disappeared and I have two required non declinable quest lines. One is research blossom lane other is produce night essence 5 times. Is the declinable quest line gone or once I complete both of the required quests it will return? Is this supposed to change and is the declinable line no longer available?


Well-Known Member
Thank you. If I had just waited a few hours and completed one of the quests I would have had the answer. But, as I don't recall it happening prior to this I was a bit shaken by it.