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    Your Elvenar Team

Feedback... starving my citizens is fun, so thanks.


Active Member
I have learned that I can watch one of my citizens wander down a road, then, when he's not looking, I can sell off road tiles to trap him on a few road squares... back and forth he wanders... all day long... day after day.... too stupid just to walk in the grass to get back to where he came from....

Yes, i made sure... I watched, no blinking for 2 days 4 hours and 3 minutes once... then.... the citizens disintegrated in to dust.


This game needs more ways I can make my citizens suffer... CUZ THEY'RE SO LAZY IT TAKES THEM A WHOLE DAY JUST TO UPGRADE A MAIN HALL !!!

I'm thinking... roving bands of wild dogs... lure the dogs to citizens with biscuits... then, no more biscuits so they resort to citizen eating... the remaining citizens then have to run to the nearest workplace, where they have nothing better to do except work harder.

Faster upgrading.