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    Your Elvenar Team

Fellowship Adventures 2022

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Scroll-Keeper, Keys to the Gems


Beloved Ex-Team Member
I can not open that link. When I right click to open it in new tab, I get an error, saying:
"You do not have permission to view this page or perform this action."
Should be okay, can you please try now and let me know?


Well-Known Member
A couple of images from @Jackluyt's spreadsheet. These were originally posted in the News from Beta thread (p.76) but the link was broken. Hopefully @Jackluyt won't mind!

FA - badges by path 22.03.22.jpg

FA - badges for pit 22.03.22.jpg


Platinum Leaf -FB


@helya - could you please remind the Wiki team that FA notes were last updated in November 2020 - in case they have forgotten this?
Same thing in Gems of Knowledge no update for the FSA since last year I don't know which map to use. anyone know if it's still version F?


Platinum Leaf -FB
Same thing in Gems of Knowledge no update for the FSA since last year I don't know which map to use. anyone know if it's still version F?

No @Silvianar - the map has totally totally different values. Also there have been minor changes of the Badges - but these are now corrected in the Wiki.
All the information you need, including prizes, screenshots, map details and commentary is here: https://tinyurl.com/ypwhp6mp
It is document that can be opened without any special programs, and you are welcome to share the link with friends and fellowship.



New Member
Question: The spreadsheet seems to have an inconsistency on Golden Bracelet Badge. Is it one 9 hr production or collect a certain amount of T1 goods. Also, Diamond Necklace, Elegant Statue, Witch Hat, Elvarian Guard, Arcane Residue, and Elemental Marbles are inconsistent as well.


Scroll-Keeper, Keys to the Gems
Yeah on one page it says that. The other 4 have it right. I am aware that the Farmers have a mix of conditions, I will fix that when I get home, and add in the new changes now that they're public.


Oh Wise One
Does anyone know if the traveling merchant counts toward carpenters or farmers? I know it counts towards total goods.


Well-Known Member
Lelanya, the Version G you posted above also says Druid Staff takes 2 CCs rather than 1, Arcane Residue is back up to 10 VV instead of 9, and Wonder Society takes 20 AW KP rather than 10. All of those would be changes from Beta; are those confirmed? Or are those carryovers from prior years, while we should actually see the values that were used in the most recent FA in Beta?
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