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    Your Elvenar Team

Fellowship Adventures: Make FA great again.



Fellowship Adventures have the potential to really be a lot of fun, but they are bogged down by issues repeatedly mentioned but ignored. These are the things needed to make Fellowship Adventures a great feature of the game.

1. Quest system - Cycling through quests is a nightmare, nobody likes it. Make it a drop down, or just make it so you auto get badges by producing. E.g. you make 20 bread and it just pops up "Congratulations, you've earned a bakers badge!". Really, make it anything simple to use.

2. Tracking & Planning - When the majority of the fellowships are using a 3rd party tool (Google spreadsheets) to make FA badge tracking manageable, it should be a big hint that this is a large flaw in the system. Make a page on the FA that tracks what people have in progress, what people have in inventory, and allows people to put what they are planning. An alternative would be just collect the badges in a bank, so people make them and then they are put into the badge bank and people can then apply them to the FA path of choice. Allow badges to be used by rank, similar to collecting.

3. Prizes & Rewards - Right now how much effort to put into FA is summed up in one question: Will you be in the top 3 on your server? If yes, push for most points. If no, don't push for points, complete 1 path per stage and forget everything else. There is zero reason to try if you cannot be in the top 3. The #10 ranked FS gets 5000 FS points and 1x 5 hour boost. The #20 ranked FS gets 3000 points and 1x 5 hour boost. The difference between being ranked #10 and #20? 2000 FS points... which is not a reward, it's nothing for your effort. The solution is to award the prizes by achieving certain point thresholds and every FS who hits the threshold gets the reward. Assuming my math isn't wrong, here is a rough breakdown:
5400 points = clearing 1 path on each stage. Good job, you get your chests.
7000 points = 3rd place culture building - requires clearing more than 1 path on each stage, must get more points, like a second full path on stage 2, or partial path on stage 3.
10,200 points = 2nd place culture building - requires clearing 2 paths per stage.
13,000 points = 1st place pop and culture building - requires clearing 3 paths on at least 2 of the 3 stages, and possibly some maw points.
Everyone who got 7000 points would get the building, of if they got 10,200 the higher culture building (not both). This would make it so that the effort your FS puts in, does get you a reward, not a big let down if you get bumped from 3rd to 4th and get nothing. These numbers are rough calculations and could be fine tuned.

Lesser things to fix:
4. Opening chests - Make it so only archmages and mages can open the chests. Why ambassadors too? This just forces fellowships to drop everyone to fellow except for 3-4 people they want to open the chests. We get that mage only would be difficult, but why jump all the way down to ambassador, keep it at archmage and mage. I'll bet if you ran a scan of fellowships prior to the FA and then now, you'd see a massive spike in the number of people at the fellow rank.

5. Contribution tracking - Simple page that shows what people have contributed in the FA so far. Fellowships want to have an easy way to judge FA activity.

6. Countdown Clock - Days and hours or just hours. It doesn't make sense that 3 days, 23 hours shows up as 3 days. It is very confusing the first time you go through a FA.
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Mathematician par Excellence
I can understand the programming problem with the quest system. Maybe a compromise would be to add a button where it's "Collect", "Collect and repeat", "Decline" . That alone would save me a bunch of sanity.
Small fix, big fix, somewhere in between, anything would be better.


Also, to be able to complete the FA on the app. The prizes honestly are not worth a huge push to finish.


What happens to Badges spent on an incomplete gate? Are they just burned?
The ratio of screen time and communication time to prize value is highly undervalued at this point. People worked their tails off checking in many times during their busy days to do this and be in 46th place, and got a 30 minute time reducer and a smallish prize. Not worth it, whipping us up into a competitive force for a trophy the size of a fingernail. It's like the tickets you get at an arcade and cash them in for a whistle or some stickers. I agree with the pooling of the fellowship badges so perhaps mages or archmages can apply them to the points on the map. The amount of checking in and out during this time is just about insane in order to keep applying the badges to the points on the adventure map.


Paroxuno has some very concise ideas for having joined last Wednesday. The one point on which I disagree is that only the Mage and AM have the ability to finish the stages. As my Fs Ambassador, I actually opened the chests to two stages which would have delayed members from contributing to the next waypoint until the M/AM logged in who know when. Granted, those offices should shoulder some added responsibility, but remember, this is a game, and most people play for fun, not responsibility. It is my belief that all other members be Ambassadors to allow immediate admittance to the next stage, if the Fs has agreed in advance for that to be the plan. Alternatively, the idea of a badge and jewelry bank managed by the Mage/AM has a lot of merit, and would reduce the confusion of who's building what and even obviate the need for the FA spreadsheet, good idea that it is with the current FA structure.


I forgot to add that to me, all members within a Fs are Ambassadors in that they should advocate other players join their Fs, or at least present the prospect to the Amb/M/AM.


Oh Wise One
1. Quest system - Make it a drop down

Please no. While it is a marginal improvement there are far better options. It is fine if they do it as a patch while they overhaul the entire quest system but not as a permanent option. The method of collecting badges is one of the things directly related to the effort involved and perception of poor prizes for that effort. The key challenge for the event is participation and coordination, not clicking through drop boxes or rotating quests.

Everything else is a great suggestion. One of the keys with the prizes is to have more prizes based on merit than competition. Keep some competitive prizes but have at least 75% (random number) of them based on merit, there are so many ways this can be done. This allows fellowships to choose more carefully what they do for prizes even if they will not rank for the more competitive prizes.