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    Your Elvenar Team

Fellowship Adventures


New Member
The recently added pathmarker sounded like a perfect help for focusing our members on the most advantageous points for the adventure. Sadly, many newer players aren't following the path any better than the messages or chat instructions. We're a newer fellowship with mostly chapter 2-6 players. In some cases, there may be language barriers even.

Could the developers consider a "stopper" of sorts instead of a highlighted path? Even at our low level, we've worked well enough together to be able to finish all of stages 1 & 2. Only 2 blocking mechanisms would have been beneficial to keeping members from adding badges to difficult points on stage 3. (Ya know, the first blue point that requires blacksmiths and the yellow/orange point on the upper portion of path that requires tons of Arcane.)

We enjoy the adventures for the opportunity it provides to bring the team together. It's been great for some of us newer players and I believe that is what it is intended to accomplish. (It sure isn't the prizes lol.)

Thank you for your consideration and the continuous improvements!


New Member
I concur with this thought (every waypoint, including the chest) should be lock-able. There always seems to be someone that grabs the chest early even though the rest of the group is trying to complete an extra path. I would also suggest that the "red x / waypoint lock" should be a mage+ function rather than ambassador. That way the majority of the fellowship does not have to be demoted for the duration of the event.


Well-Known Member
Yes, the ability to place Red X's on all undesired waypoints would have been way better.
I like this idea better than locking it out completely (regardless of keyholder logistics). It is frustrating to see unsanctioned waypoints being worked on but sometimes there is a legitimate need for an exception and finding a keyholder to temporarily unlock it sounds like a huge inconvenience.

An example of a player needing to go off the path is when they have RL severely restricting when they can log in. They need to place a badge somewhere and if the available spots are not what they have but they have something to place somewhere else, then they should have the ability to do so. I recognize arguments about fairness and single badge contributors shouldn't reap the benefits of the group's hard work, but many (most?) fellowships choose to allow this and that's okay. When a stage opens, you've got to get a placement ASAP because if you aren't able to log back in soon (RL and all that), you might get left out. Once you've secured a placement on that stage (preferably on a non-X waypoint), then contribute as much as possible on sanctioned points only.

The red X would be a clear indicator of where not to place, but still leave the ability for those exceptions. Next, ideally, it would be great if AM/M could apply the X's individually (instead of entire color path all-or-nothing) but I don't know how feasible/complicated this would be on dev side of things. For example, this last FA had a bit of struggle when the blue path was allowed, but constantly had to tell people "but not the first one!" (intended to be saved for last). Yes, communication, blah, blah, blah, but this suggestion thread is about acknowledging holes or cracks in the system and reducing them.