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    Your Elvenar Team

Fellowship Board


Once in a fellowship there should be a message board. It can be used for many things like more detailed rules for it's members, important tips and notices for new members, a listing of each member's boosted resources. The button for the fellowship board would go under the notices button right next to the fellowship shield.

There are many groups right now trying to use their group description to cover these needs and in our fellowship we find that we have to re-answer the same questions each time we bring on a new member.


I agree. Such a message board would be very welcome and useful!


You can make one they are free.

Wouldn't you need to make it outside the game, though? Our fellowship has lots of information for our members.. outside the game. I'd like to have a fellowship forum for such information. The way I see it there are actually two gaps in the Elvenar communication system:

1. No Inside Game area to post needed information other than Fellowship description (not including messages which would not be convenient to refer back to when needed)
2. No ability to copy/paste from the in-game messaging system. So if my Archmage wants to post a link, he has to make a "tinyurl" which is easier to remember to type it all in. Note these are links to game content so they are allowed under the rules.

Inno's other game I play, Forge of Empires, has both of these features, so it would be incredibly easy to institute something similar to this game.


I agree that copy/paste is necessary ingame and the idea has been forwarded to the developers. There is a workaround method that is currently available to copy and paste. A handy guide on how to do it can be found here(click).

Thank you so much for the explanation, this does help :D


A fellowship board is a great idea and should be implemented as soon as possible. All fellowships that are trying to grow have the same problem--telling every new player the same things. Growing fellowships all end up with inactive players who need to be replaced by recruiting and a place to store game tips and fellowship rules for your individual fellowship somewhere besides your fellowship description is a necessity.