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    Your Elvenar Team

Fellowship Management Spreadsheet


Platinum Leaf -FB
I do not know if anyone might find this Spreadsheet useful (attached below)?
I just posted this picture in my group.

BEHIND THE SCENES #5: Fellowship management"
I thought I would show you all how we keep tabs on all our members to see how each of us is playing!
This is a really easy-to-make Spreadsheet that I use.
I run it in a Window next to my game when I am visiting.

I do not like the 'Big Brother is Watching You' approach - but experience as an Admin has told me that there are a minority of players who do not play fairly within a fellowship - and unless you look for them constantly, you will never know.

We are a 'semi-strict' fellowship with few 'rules' - we treat one another like adults; we try to draw the fine line between the 'Nazi-style' fellowship where you MUST visit each day or be Jack-booted, and the sloppy-style group where some members play once or twice a week, no one accepts your trades, and nothing is done to rectify that.
It is a place where we can all help one another, where we treat others the way we would like to be treated ourselves - and where we can make friends and have fun!

Each day I monitor who plays and visits and trades, and how often, and whether their overall Ranking is rising or falling.
(It only takes a minute or two if you are organised!)

Ranking (over a period of several weeks, not days) is the best way to assess a player (rather than Score, though I record that too); it compares his / her 'seriousness' to other players at a similar level.
If it climbs over a few weeks, that player is an asset to the group and is helping us to rise.
If it plummets, they are dragging us down with them...

If I feel that members are REALLY not pulling their weight, I will point out that it is unfair to the other members - and if there is no improvement after we have talked, then I will suggest that I am not going to nag and bitch at them to 'up their game'; they would not enjoy that - and neither would I!!
Rather, I suggest they move to another fellowship that is a little more casual and 'slower'.
There is nothing wrong with their style of play, I hasten to add.
Everyone plays differently
And everyone, to enjoy their game maximally, should find their comfort zone within a like-minded Fellowship...

I think that is fair - don't you?

NB: Score and Ranking are NOT the be-all-and-end-all of Fellowship
Just as at doctor's oral thermometer is not the be-all-and-end-all of
patient diagnosis.
But they do help me to keep tabs on how healthy our group is!


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