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    Your Elvenar Team

Fellowship Wars


How about an option to wage war on other Fellowships in the same way we do npc's when you are taking over areas?

So, each fellowship has a join army that you can build up of all your guys and do battle each other like an strategy game. So if X player is online and you are online and you are both from other fellowships that are not the same, you can challenge that player and if they accept both of you can engage in battle with whatever military you happen to have at the time. Winner not only wipes out that player but takes some sort of a prize from them and earns big points for their fellowship.


Try Forge of Empires by Innogames. Same company, similar city builder feel, lot's of the those types of elements already in play. They want distinct games where you can explore different elements that are suitable for different types of players. This game will not be adding PvP or Fellowshhp-v-Fellowship elements as it's just not the market they are catering to here and it they already have the other market well covered with FoE.


No. Just no. As Varron mentions, this is not and hopefully never will be a PvP game.

Try Forge of Empires, Clan Wars - Clash of Clans, or Game of War: Fire Age if you're looking to be periodically wiped off the map by someone willing to spend $10,000 on a video game.