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    Your Elvenar Team



:)Aloha Riagon! To answer your question, yes. I believe that it is possible to search for a specific fellowship.

When you click on the "shield", go to "overview", then "join". Here you'll see Elvenar's fellowship list (teams/groups (29,376 to be exact)). Choose a group. Once you click on their name you'll be given two (2) options. The first is to "send a message" and the second is to "view fellowship". If you choose to view - you'll find/read that each group has a "description" of what their group is like, their expectations and what type of player they would want on their team. It maybe time consuming but worth it if you're in search of a specific fellowship.

I hope that helped? If not, I apologize if I misread your question.:(

BTW: I'm fairly new to the world of Elvenar but did join a fellowship. Per each players discretion/my own, I chose to leave. It's extremely helpful when a team completes a task/adventure but... on a daily basis, some may help you (trades, visits etc) and some may not. Communication between all members is important as well. Try to find a fellowship that treats you as an equal, friend and/or even a family member :) <---okay, sorry that's my own personal wish. :p

iii SeraSig01.jpg


Active Member
If you mean specific as in you know the name of the FS you want to be in yes,, when your ingame click on your score under your pic... you will get 3-4 tabs to click on. [players][ Fellowship][tourney] [Adventure]-----I say 3-4 caues tourney is not always there..
Click on the FS tab and search the FS you want,,,its up in the left corner
Now if you mean specific as in play style,,again yes, do the same, click on your score and go to FS tab,, you can click on any FS and view their overview to see if they have the same gamestyle as you,, most often state if they are a ranking, tourney or easy going FS.
and as always also check them out in Elvenstats to make sure you dont join a dead FS ;-)
Now also If you mean "search' as checking it out. use Elvenstats click on the FS tab and search away ;-)
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