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Finding a Player


New Member
Is there a way to search for a specific player, or that they can search for a specific fellowship to join? We recently had a member accidentally leave our group, and wants back in, I don't know how to find him... Thanks


Do you know how to view your ranking/progress in the realm you're in? If you click on the cup icon or number under your name (on the city screen), it displays a member list showing your ranking in the world you're in. You can search for other members (and other fellowships) there.. Click on the name to either visit or write to them.. or send an invite.


Oh Wise One
Do you know how to view your ranking/progress in the realm you're in? If you click on the cup icon or number under your name (on the city screen), it displays a member list showing your ranking in the world you're in. You can search for other members (and other fellowships) there.. Click on the name to either visit or write to them.. or send an invite.
On the web. Mobile users have no way to find another player. You can send a message if you know the name. You can type it into the new message window to send them a message, but you still have no way to visit them to invite them back.