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Finding marble relics


Hi, sorry to be such a dumbo, but I have a quest to obtain some marble relics, I have quite a bit of the map opened up, but I can see no marble province, is there a way to find out where the marble is? at least if it's not near I can scout in the right direction, any help would be very much appreciated.


Right now with the map glitch, it's hard to tell, except by the pictures of each provinces, Marble looks like a crater at the bottom with a bunch of marble boulders all around. Hope this helps you, Sometimes if you keep clicking the province , the marble icon will pop up, but doesn't work every time.


Thank you so much, that is a great help I found some, thanks again.


The pattern also repeats itself running diagonally across so you can find a marble sector and follow along to the next.
elv boosts.jpg


The only marble relics near me on my map show locked. I have a quest to gather five marble relics. Tells me to complete one of the bordering provinces to unlock, and I just noticed I'm zero of 8 on the bordering province (one of them, anyway). Time for some expensive combat or negotiations I would imagine.

Well, I completed the one bordering province mentioned above, the marble province is still locked. I have completed all provinces around the marble province (or visited cities if they are bordering) but am denied access to the last province (due south), if I had that I would have this marble province completely surrounded!

Edit #2. While battling in one of the surrounding provinces the marble province unlocked itself half way through my battle. Guess I need more patience.

Venchant the Addled
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