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Foerst Glade Question


Does anybody know or remember if there is a quest to sell the Forest Glade from the Woodelves chapter? Trying to answer a fs members question and I forget. Ty ahead of time!

Lady Dastardly

Well-Known Member
There isn't one to sell the glade specifically. There used to be a quest at the beginning of Ch. 10 to have zero portals, but I think they dropped it. If they do get it that quest, they can build any level 1 portal and then sell it to complete the quest.


Chef, Scroll-Keeper, and Buddy Fan Club Member
The dwarven portal is the cheapest, so if they have a quest you can always build that one.

I had thought that there was a quest in the forest glade, but I may be mistaken or as Lady said, they may have changed it.