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    Your Elvenar Team

Forge of Empires Meets the Elves


So you've taken FOE and turned it into Elvenville. Nothing wrong with that, and that's why I decided to give it a try. I play FOE and enjoy it. However, Elvenar soon became a bigger exercise in frustration than FOE ever was. No guilds. So cooperative play is painful. My area of the map has all of two other active players as far as I can tell. I've discovered over 20, which I visit daily, while only 2 have ever visited my city. Trading is a joke because I refuse to give 50% to the merchant and never see any of my discovered neighbors in the trading post.

Like FOE, map space is a premium, and now I find that upgrading buildings requires additional space! It's hard enough to find the space for what I have, now I'm forced to delete buildings to upgrade others. That's just plain cruel people! I get it, you want players to buy diamonds, but this overt strategy does nothing but piss me off.

I like the graphics and battle scenes, but so far there isn't much to keep me playing I'm afraid.


New Member
I am beginning to run up on the same problems. I don't think I will be playing this game much longer. The earlier stages of the game were fun to me, but my attention span just isn't long enough for all this waiting. Not to mention the lack of neighborly participation, which does not seem like an isolated problem.