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    Your Elvenar Team

Free Traders - seeking a couple of new Traders

Silver Lady

Well-Known Member
The Free Traders are looking for a few new traders. We are an 10 chests FS that accepts members at all levels we just ask that you be an active player (I.e., give neighborly help daily or nearly daily).

* Tournament: minimum of 300 but do what you can. Most of us really like the rewards and play accordingly. We also understand that some weeks you're low on troops/goods and can’t really push hard.

• Spire: As with the tournament most of us really like the rewards and give it our best shot, but you are not obligated to a certain number of wins.

Basically, play and have fun. We can be chatty but you don’t have to join in. But we do ask you to please be alert to and respond to team communications via messaging.

Check us out and if you’d like an invite send me a msg here or in-game. Happy Gaming!