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Frozen buildings

Maya Sylphide

New Member
Hi , i just switched my phone to a new one ( exactly the same phone) and my city froze. The only movement is by some people walking on my streets. All other buildings don't move any more. All the dwarves and elves are gone. Am I in the wrong world? Could someone please tell me why that is and what i can do about it? Any response would be much appreciated. Thank you.


Well-Known Member
Generally, a game restart will fix this, but it could be the new game has not downloaded all the assets needed yet. Also check to make sure the setting are not set to "low graphics in the settings tab.

Try restarting first then maybe reinstall the game


Queen of Snacks

Snack Hoarder
The animations are loaded separately from the game which can take a while to finish. They also will only load when you're actively playing or have the game open, so make sure you are connected to a charger and on a good wifi connection, and extend your screen timeout length to speed things up.