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FS only trades toggle for Mobile players

FS only trades toggle for Mobile players

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Well-Known Member
I'm going to try to pitching this idea again.

I would like to suggest adding an FS only trades toggle, base goods toggle, and sentient goods toggle to the trader on the Mobile App like the desktop version has. The current mobile app set up makes it extremely difficult to find and accept FS trades. A fair amount of players prioritize FS trades first when they go to the trader. The app version doesn't allow one to easily find FS members and they have to spend quite a bit of time scrolling through all of the trades just to see if anyone in their FS posted any when useing the app. One of the benefits of being in an FS is trading and mobile app users are missing out on this aspect due to how difficult it is to find your FS members in the trader. I also suggest adding a base goods toggle and sentient goods as well, like the desktop version has. This would help keep the mobile version consisent with the desktop version as well as allow higher level players to find trades easier when helping new neighboring cities out and filtering through the trades. The trader is an intergral part of game play in Elvenar. Mobile app users should have access to the same trader funstions as the desktop version considering how important trading is in the game.

[Edited to add base goods toggle, sentient goods toogle]
Link to original post: https://us.forum.elvenar.com/index....le-for-trader-on-mobile-app.21553/post-164956
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Well-Known Member
Doesn't the option "no fee" eliminate all but FS offers in the trader?
No it doesn’t. It shows all trades in which you don’t have to pay a fee for. That includes all of the cities you have discovered on the map. For some players that can mean hundreds of cities. I’m in Chapter 16. The no fee toggle does nothing for me. If I want to find trades on the mobile it’s faster to just narrow it down by individual goods and search through them for any FS members. It’s time consuming especially if an FS member posts that they put trades up for stuff that they need. It defeats one of the reasons for being in an FS.

Risen Malchiah

Well-Known Member
For a small city, the "No fee" toggle might be sufficient. But for a large city, or anyone in the sentient goods chapters, finding fellowship trades on mobile is a pain. On a browser, I might have almost 100 pages of trades during the day (most of them sentient). On mobile, that translates to endless scrolling. And since trades are not grouped by type, smaller fellowship trades will be buried toward the bottom. @T6583 is right. I also use the tactic of selecting each of the nine standard goods one at a time to go through a smaller list, but a single button would be much easier.

Evening Star Selene

Active Member
No it doesn’t. It shows all trades in which you don’t have to pay a fee for. That includes all of the cities you have discovered on the map. For some players that can mean hundreds of cities. I’m in Chapter 16. The no fee toggle does nothing for me. If I want to find trades on the mobile it’s faster to just narrow it down by individual goods and search through them for any FS members. It’s time consuming especially if an FS member posts that they put trades up for stuff that they need. It defeats one of the reasons for being in an FS.
Wow, ok, thanks. I guess I thought that's what the toggle was. How can anyone I haven't discovered post trades on my trader? Sorry, I'm just confused by it all!


Well-Known Member
Wow, ok, thanks. I guess I thought that's what the toggle was. How can anyone I haven't discovered post trades on my trader? Sorry, I'm just confused by it all!
They’re not posting trades specifically to your trader. Since they are in the same region as you, you can see undiscovered cities trades on your trader but your trader will charge a fee if you take these trades. Sometimes if you see a 1 start trade it could be due to the trader fee.
Yes, all the sentient goods trades render the 'no fee' filter on mobile app trader useless for those in higher chapters. FS filter would be great, or at least a 'standard goods' filter.

Enevhar Aldarion

Oh Wise One
Yes, all the sentient goods trades render the 'no fee' filter on mobile app trader useless for those in higher chapters. FS filter would be great, or at least a 'standard goods' filter.

There is not a fee on sentient trades, it just uses the same exclamation point to mark them. And if you are far enough to be trading sentient goods, you will also have explored far enough that you will no longer have anyone showing up for normal trades from outside your discovered region.

And to the topic in general, I will say it again here, and keep saying it wherever the mobile version of the Trader is discussed, but the mobile version is garbage and is horrible to try and use. Any fixes that the app dev team are willing to do to it would be welcome.


Well-Known Member
Wow! I would have thought this one was already in the Dev queue somewhere. I frequently have to login to the PC just to pick up my FS S-trades. T-trades are not so bad. Let's vote!


Chef - loquacious Old Dog
Every time I find myself in the mobile version to keep up my trading I just have to stop. My fs is big on clearing the board several times a day and it would be impossible if we had to scroll through hundreds of neighbor trades. So I stop and either go to my PC or wait until I'm at my PC to do the trades. It is a bit frustrating and therefore I concur. I can't imagine the amount of coding to do this would be great as it's just a different set of parameters and a filter. The filter is built already (the "no fee" one) and could be pretty easily adapted by just changing the parameters.

So yes, please do this.


Deleted User - 3799863

I would vote for this idea. However, if the effort is made to change the app's trader, I would rather have the ability to see 1. all trades 2. fs trades only 3. all trades excluding fs.

When there are goods that are in abundance in my fs, I would like the ability to see what players outside my fs are offering for those goods.

Also, I would look at the "all excluding fs" trades to see if I can match goods from neighbour to neighbour. On Harandar, I joined a month after the world opened, so I am not in the same area as those that first joined, the biggest cities. My neighbourhood has a high turnover of cities leaving and joining. Often very small/new cities join my neighbourhood and I try to support them as they grow by taking their trades as much as possible without taking too many goods from my fs. Seeing trades from everyone outside my fs would help me to do this.

Risen Malchiah

Well-Known Member
Often very small/new cities join my neighbourhood and I try to support them as they grow by taking their trades as much as possible without taking too many goods from my fs. Seeing trades from everyone outside my fs would help me to do this.
I do the same thing. However, I would add that a filter that just excludes your fellowship could be problematic if you're in the sentient goods chapters since sentient goods are traded server-wide. Excluding just my fellowship would still show me all the sentient trades, making it impossible to find those small neighbor trades you're referring to. Perhaps a "Fellowship Only" filter as well as a "Normal goods" filter? The Normal goods would effectively show you both fellowship & neighbor trades but without showing you the 50-100 pages of sentient trades. With limited space, I don't know if the app trader would have room for 4-5 different filters (no fee, FS-only, neighbor-only, normal-only, sentient-only, the list could add up). Maybe there's enough space if we eliminate no-fee and sentient-only.

Deleted User - 3799863

Excluding just my fellowship would still show me all the sentient trades, making it impossible to find those small neighbor trades you're referring to. Perhaps a "Fellowship Only" filter as well as a "Normal goods" filter? ...With limited space, I don't know if the app trader would have room for 4-5 different filters (no fee, FS-only, neighbor-only, normal-only, sentient-only, the list could add up). Maybe there's enough space if we eliminate no-fee and sentient-only.

Thanks for pointing out that sentient trades need to be considered @Risen Malchiah . Your suggestions make sense to me!
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Well-Known Member
I'm going to edit the original post to include a base goods only toggle in addition to the FS only toggle. Should we also request a sentient goods only toggle to be consistent with the desktop version?

Enevhar Aldarion

Oh Wise One
I think it should have the exact same options as the browser version, so fellowship only, normal goods only, and sentient goods only. I also said the same on the Beta forum when I posted a suggestion there earlier this week. The app devs have given us all the major missing items that the browser has, so not it is time for them to fix the Trader. #fixthetrader