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Game not loading


I'm also unable to load the game. I've submitted a tech support ticket and been told "it's a known issue and we're working on it." Meanwhile I can't get into my addiction!! o_O:(


If hitting the refresh doesn't work, then it seems to me that there must be something that is either OS or browser dependent in the problem.

I have the same problem (but mine stops at 19) and hitting refresh works for me. (On a computer, Win 10, FireFox)

If you have other browsers available (computer) it might be worth trying a different one.


yeah I have Safari, and right now adding another browser isn't an option. Hoping that Support will come up with the solution, as it seems to have coincided with the latest version...? We'll see.


Oh Wise One
Most commonly if it won't go past a point after multiple tries it's because there are bad files in your cache. If you are using Flash, the cache might be common between multiple browsers.


Thanks--cache has been cleared, I only use one browser, which is updated.


Oh Wise One
If you are using Flash, it has its own cache, which has nothing to do with the browser, and is not cleared by clearing the browser cache.


Thanks, I'm aware of that, I have cleared the Flash cache.


No, I’m not willing to go to that extent for a game. I have a support ticket filed, and am hoping that they will get to the bottom of it, since they’re saying it’s a known issue that they’re working on. If they can't figure it out, I might try a few additional tricks, but frankly if they can't make the game playable, I'll move on. I'd be sorry to walk away after getting to S&D, but...it's a game. They either want my occasional diamond purchase or they don't. ;) I do appreciate your efforts to help, though, so thanks again.


I reported the same and it was caused by the recent update. They are working on it.....

Till then I have loaded Chrome and it works fine.


Yes, that was my ultimate solution as well. It's slower, and I'm not happy about it, but I can at least keep up with my game while they figure out what they did to mess it up.