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    Your Elvenar Team

Game play Options

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I really like this game, however I do get bored with it.

It would be very awesome if there were more options for battles. Fellowship Battles could be a cool addition, where each member had to donate certain troops to complete an expanded offered area for rare materials that the entire fellowship could benefit from; such as diamonds or hard to get resources. Expanded offered areas, could be based off of the existing settlements to further the story line.

Any player vs. player options would also be pretty cool. I feel that since you save up so much time and resources to battle for the relics that there should be a way to battle for resources you need as well. If you could battle players on the map for some of their resources that would greatly enhance the game. Players could place blockades that are already used in the battle games to alter the playing grounds as well as choose which units could defend their city.

I believe that combining the two ideas could also be beneficial towards getting more people to play. If fellowship battle rewards allowed tiered upgraded troops for defense of your cities resources based on fellowship accomplishments, it would encourage more people to join the fellowships giving them an additional purpose as well as help more players interact with each other.

Mentioning interactions between players also leads me to the fact that there is little to no difference between playing humans or elves, especially in fellowships. A fellowship that featured only one race could get an interesting bonus, as well as a fellowship that integrates both.

I would really like to see more game play options and look forward to what the Elvenar Team has in store for the future of this game.

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I do have some interest in joint province battles, with rewards for those who participate and meet certain criteria. Such as a minimum number of troops invested, or rewards split by percentages according to the same sort of thing.Perhaps with a time limit on how often these joint battles could occur. I don't see it happening anytime soon though. That would require a ton of coding and game modifications to add this feature. As for diamonds as a reward? Don't see that ever happening. Why give away something that we must shell out real money g for? That would cut their profit margin. Don't ever see that happening. And having the rewards benefit the entire Fellowship? No. Only those who participate gain benefits. To many simmers already who join Fellowships, get the benefit of daily visits and NH and never return visits and NH or actively trade. No.

As for the PvP... NO. Many, myself included, started playing this game because it had no PvP element, only PvE which can, I suppose even be eliminated by pure negotiations only. I started playing this game as a break from PvP games. Inno already has PvP games if that's what you want. Try TW2 or Greppo or FoE. Adding PvP would ruin this game completely for those playing for the supposed "peaceful game" that Inno advertised it as. I got tired of years of playing games that required a player to be online and playing almost 24/7 to avoid being a constant target and being turned int a farm anytime you logged off. If you want PvP, go play a war strategy game. Not a "peaceful" Build game like this is supposed to be.

Just my opinion.



Having never watched an advertisement for this game I did not know it was advertised as such. Knowing now I realize that it is an impossible request not wanted by its current users.

I do like your interest in joint province battles. I do think that fellowships that have members riding off of them for the bonus's do have the option to kick them out, though in that regard I see where your coming from with that thought process. I guess I just wish there was another aspect of the game fighting or game wise in general to gain more resources or relics just for some added interest. Maybe certain relics could have a different type of access to gain them such as a puzzle? The puzzles could be anything really and would allow the game to remain non pvp.

I don't know if you have ever played or heard of it but there was a game called CIV world once and I greatly enjoyed how many different ways there was to play. I realize this is not that game and since it has discontinued there wont be another, just thinking out loud really.


I agree, a way to gain resources outside of production and trading would be nice. The Trader is somewhat unbalanced on the 2 worlds I am playing, either bulk trades I have no hopes for, or constant shortages of certain Goods (Marble and Elixir are what I am seeing tons of demand for and few, if any offers for.) Perhaps a PvE for these resources in provinces you have already conquered. Instead of relics for battle victories, a number of the Goods that province is assigned, larger rewards the further away from your city you go, and perhaps a timer set so you can only attack/farm that province once every 23 hours?

Never played the Civ world game on FB, I tend to avoid all FB games, as they are bigger money sinks than online browser games IMO. I did (and still do) enjoy the Civ games for PC, and am waiting for Civ Online to see what it is about, though I expect it will be a money pit and nothing more. I had hoped to have a laid back, and "pretty", relaxing builder game here. I see it turning more and more into an adulterated war strategy game and more and more away from a build/economic strategy game. But I should have expected that with Inno, or any other European developed game. Not many pacifist suitable games out there anymore away from portals like Pogo or Big Fish. And I am not a hipster, Canasta and Backgammon are not my thing. :p


The joint fighting feature has already been in development for some time now and is one of the new features that will hopefully roll out in the next few updates. The AW's and the magic academy are pieces of that puzzle of what happens next. I'm reserving judgement on the AW's and Magic Academy until I see how it fits into the larger new construct. Partner fighting and battle (no PvP will ever happen most likely) has the potential to really shake up the point system and ranking board. If y0u go back and watch the february episode of inno tv they discuss the changes upcoming. I'm building troops non-stop in anticipation. May or may not be needed but I would rather have them if the point balance shifts toward fighting.