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    Your Elvenar Team

Garden of Underpants

  • Thread starter DeletedUser10990
  • Start date


So this is where I put the sales pitch right? Do you like the name? It wasn't mine, but it gave me the sensible chuckle when I joined.

So here is it, we're a very laid back group with minimal requirements. Be active, aid and trade relatively regular, practice fair trade or better and if you enjoy doing a Tournament from time to time, all the better. In the end we're just looking to have fun and help each other out. We have retired members, middle age and young. We're in the chat daily either helping one another or having a laugh.

Ideally we are hoping to find at least a couple established players with any or all of the following boosts: Planks - Silk - Magic Dust

If interested, look us up and check out our overview. Thanks for taking the time to read this far... I mean really, who does that anymore? ;-)