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    Your Elvenar Team



Hey guys,

Just a quick question for all your pro's out there! ;)

What are your tricks for having plenty of gold? I see people keep saying that gold isn't really an issue in their villages...well, mine it is! Is it something that all players experience at the beginning of the game?

PS: I do have PLENTY of residences..LOL

Are there other ways to collect gold than by residences and helping your neighbors out?

I appreciate any replies!



From what I gathered and trust me there are more ways! Most do not just collect resident taxes until it's needed. But it would interesting how some other players do so.


Have you maxed out the residence that you already have?

I got trapped without enough coins to upgrade my supply buildings, so everything downstream was staving to death.


Production for that level wise or overall level maxed?


Repeatable quests when you get them can give a fair amount of gold. Having your neighbours do your main hall also helps. Upgrading your main hall also adds more gold when you support your neighbours.
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When I add a building, I upgrade it as far as it will go. It's tempting to drop in several buildings, but that eats up space and you're going to have to eventually level them anyway.

The Barracks, the Main Hall, the Builder, and any other buildings where you only have 1 of them, have to be handled more gradually.


Upgrade your residences as much as you can, that way you get more coins per building.
I always collect my Coins, long before it maxes out and I am up to 126k coins and I have been as high as 150k coins.
also Research Advanced Residences, that allowed my to upgrade my Residences to Level 5 and even more Coin.



You should politely pm our number 1 player. He has some tips :) and he is good at explaining.


Don't forget about giving neighborly help! I have explored a lot of provinces around my city and I go visit each and every neighbor once a day and get a lot of coins for doing that! Then, they come and visit me. If you visit them AND they visit you, you get a bonus of extra supplies for doing that. It adds up!


Thanks, Bobby! I visit everyone near me every 24 hours, very rarely will I get one that gives back though. :p Although, I have a few neighbors who help! Which is good..


Great tips in here! May I add, visiting your city at least often enough to collect before your residence hit max coin capacity is a good idea this is what every 5 hours?