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Golden Abyss question


I'm slowly working my way through Dwarves and I have a freshly leveled Abyss, level 4. I'm confused by the population it shows compared to the population my town shows.I have an available population of 417 while the Abyss shows a population of 453. I thought the abyss was supposed to boost population but I must be missing something. Does it not boost available population? Or do I have a large deficit and its just doing what it can. Would it do that?


Oh Wise One
Available population is the slackers who aren't busy working, yet. The golden abyss is based on how many people are working. If you hover the mouse over the population at the top, you'll get a pop-up that shows the details. Hovering over the population on the golden abyss will add to that info:



Oh Wise One
So your Abyss is adding 453 to your total population, and some of them are working, and some of them are not. My Abyss is adding 2518 to my total, which is 4.875% of my working population. If I put my other 888 people work, I'll gain another 43 from the golden abyss


Ah, okay. I think I get that. I was hoping for more in the available, non-working population and not understanding the way the wonder does its thing.
Thank you for the help. :)