'K. Back armed with data. I must be missing some huge piece of info here 'cuz it all seems so ludicrous. Please help.
1. Am only on level 3 (out of 8) of dwarves
2. Have built (and upgraded to 2) six granite mines
3. Cannot upgrade any further w/o copper
4. Need 12,000 granite to complete box which will get me to copper
5. Can only produce granite @ 576/day
6. Will take 22 days to get the 12,000 that will let me even GET to working toward copper mines
I read somewhere that I should only build 5-6 granite mines and only 2-3 copper mines. Now, I have the space to build, probably, another 20 mines. Really, really don't want to do this. BIG question: So I'm going to have to spend dollars now in order to be able to play game further??