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Can you ever get enough? I have 6 mines at level 2 and currently upgrading another 3 to level 3 but I'll be hanging around in the dwarves research tree for ages without being able to complete research unless I resort to buying diamonds, which I really don't want to do.

Gath Of Baal

Well-Known Member
The guest race chapter are supposed to be a long slow drawn out process.. Pretty much everyone is in the same boat when it comes to space (unless you have premium expansions) to build guest race production buildings.. 6 granite mines sounds about right for the average room available.. Upgrading them to level 4 as fast as possible helps out and also upgrading your portal quickly will help out with bonus production.

I think the dwarf chapter seems the slowest since its the first time a player is exposed to the new way of doing things, and it only gets more time consuming as you progress thru the chapters.. When you get to fairies you will need to make 8 different things with the top productions taking 10 and 15 hours each.. then you get to the orcs where you need to produce 8 different items again plus orcs and the basic item you need to produce mushrooms take just as much time as the top item from the fairies.. Like I said time consuming

Gath Of Baal

Well-Known Member
There are some nice guides thru out the forum written by helpful players to take some of the strain off of these things.. They allow you to plan a city a little better to get the most out of your guest race productions and help you not be tech locked for to long.. but still the guest races will take time no matter how well you plan your city in advance